Top 5 Bouldering Areas close to Barcelona

Discover the amazing world of boudlering just a stone’s throw away from the vibrant city of Barcelona. We’ve meticulously curated a list of the 5 best bouldering areas that offer an unforgettable climbing experience. Our selection criteria are based on proximity, the variety of problems available, and the different types of rock and settings.

Barcelona’s Unique Bouldering Landscape

Barcelona boasts a unique blend of rock types, including Granite, Conglomerate, Sandstone, and Limestone. This diversity makes Barcelona a true gem for climbers, offering a variety of styles and challenges. Whether you’re seeking a summer adventure or a winter escape, these areas cater to climbers all year round. La Riba is a famous summer destination, where you can also enjoy a refreshing dip in the river. For ideal conditions, winter beckons climbers to spots like Can Boquet or Mont-roig. Even autumn and spring, though slightly more humid, still provide plenty of opportunities for climbing.

For more information about the areas you can click on the buttons that will take you to MadBoulder’s website with the guides and videos available!

Area nameDistanceNº problemsRock type
0Can Boquet – Can Bruguera30-45m800+Granite
0Sant Joan de Vilatorrada (Salvanebleau)1h500+Conglomerate
0Savassona – La Comarca – Fussimanya1h600+Sandstone
0La Riba1h 30m350Limestone
0Mont-roig del Camp1h 30m800+Sandstone
Bouldering areas close to Barcelona

Can Boquet – Can Bruguera

Can Boquet and its extension, Can Bruguera, form the closest bouldering area to Barcelona, just a short 30-45 minute drive away. Nestled in the scenic Serralada Litoral and the Park of El Montnegre i El Corredor, this location offers a unique bouldering experience amid granite outcrops. The rugged granite surfaces challenge climbers with technical maneuvers, and problems range from the 3rd to the 8th grade. Can Boquet is particularly welcoming to beginners and families, making it an ideal starting point for those new to the sport. This forested setting means you can enjoy climbing year-round, with winter offering the best grip conditions.

Climber trying boulder problem in the area of Can Boquet.
Víctor Fernández in Obrint Pas. Can Boquet

Sant Joan de Vilatorrada (Salvanebleau)

Just an hour’s drive from Barcelona, Sant Joan de Vilatorrada, known as Salvanebleau, is a hidden treasure for boulderers. This tranquil area boasts conglomerate boulders that promise an exciting climbing adventure. The Clàssic sector, characterized by its overhangs and roof formations filled with pockets, offers more than 300 challenging problems ranging from the 3rd to the 8th grade.

Over the last years there’s been a lot of development of new sectors near the village of Rajadell, La Mallencosa being the best and a must visit. With all new sectors this area is now one of the biggest of Catalunya, fun for the begginers and challenging for the seasoned climbers.

There is a guide in development as per 2023 that should be out soon.

Climber trying boulder problem in the area of Salvanebleau.
Aniol Santacreu in Techo Visa, 6C. Sant Joan de Vilatorrada (Salvanebleau)

Savassona – La Comarca – Fussimanya

This bouldering paradise awaits just an hour from Barcelona, on the shores of El Pantà de Sau. Comprising three distinct areas, each with compact sandstone, Savassona, La Comarca, and Fussimanya cater to various climbing preferences. La Comarca offers a physically demanding style with numerous hard problems, some reaching up to 8C. Savassona, the most famous zone, presents a technical challenge and is an excellent starting point for beginners.

The prime seasons to explore these areas are spring and autumn when the landscape is adorned with vibrant colors, creating a stunning backdrop for your climbing adventures.

Climber trying boulder problem in the area of Savassona.
Aniol Santacreu on Cartonillo, 7A+. Savassona

La Riba

A mere 1 hour and 30 minutes from Barcelona, La Riba beckons climbers to a picturesque forest along the river Brugent. Here, eroded limestone formations offer an intriguing climbing experience, featuring numerous pockets and overhanging boulders. With problems ranging from the 3rd to the 8A grade, there’s something for climbers of all levels, with a particular focus on the 6th grade.

The best time to visit is during the summer when you can take refreshing dips in the river’s enchanting ponds between climbing attempts.

Climber trying boulder problem in the area of La Riba.
Aniol Santacreu in Mai diguis mai, 7A+. La Riba

Mont-roig del Camp

Mont-roig del Camp is know as the Albarracín of Catalunya because of its red sandtone overhangs resembling the famous spanish area. In Mont-roig you will find lots of roof-like problems with pockets and technical mantles, a very physical climbing style. This area is home of long traverses like Energía Vital 8B/+ opened by Maikel Secanella and repeated by Dani Andrada.

The best season to climb in Mont-roig is winter having very little shade during the day.

Climber trying boulder problem in the area of Mont-roig del Camp.
Sergi Márquez in Leviatán, 6C. Mont-roig del Camp


Experience the thrill of bouldering in the stunning natural landscapes surrounding Barcelona. These handpicked bouldering areas offer a diverse range of challenges, ensuring that climbers of all skill levels will find their perfect climbing paradise. Whether you’re a seasoned climber or a novice looking for a family-friendly adventure, these areas have something for everyone. Explore the unique rock types and breathtaking settings that make Barcelona a must-visit destination for boulderers.


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